Pre-Course Quiz (For Consultants) Quiz

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  1. Sitting in neutral spine postures can relieve low back pain.
  2. It is difficult to measure the angle of spine postures at work.
  3. Sustained and relaxed sitting postures may change important hormone enzyme activity.
  4. There is a very small difference between upright and fully slumped spine posture.
  5. Slumping more than 20 minutes can stretch the ligaments of the spinal column.
  6. The best low back posture will allow some movement at the lumbar spine.
  7. Reclined chair adjustments can prevent slumped sitting.
  8. Slumped seated postures are known to increase low back pain.
  9. Forward head postures may contribute to symptoms of headaches and jaw pain.
  10. Slumped seated posture may be a common practice for years before causing symptoms.
  11. Contact pressures at the wrist are a common cause of wrist and hand pain.
  12. Slumped postures are commonly seen with low back and neck pain.
  13. Gym balls are a suitable long-term alternative to ergonomic chairs.
  14. Kneeling or Baalans chairs do not allow good leg movement.
  15. High-mobility seating, like variable-axis stools or sit-stand stools require more effort to sit than conventional ergonomic chairs.
  16. One advantage of high-mobility seating, like variable-axis stools or sit-stand stools is to reduce the effort from standing.
  17. The chair base should have the least resistance to movement over the floor.
  18. There should be no need to readjust the chair during a variety of work tasks.
  19. The chair height should be adjusted so the thigh is level with the floor.
  20. Chair height should be adjusted to put the elbow approximately two inches above the work surface ; then use a footstool if leg support is needed. (F)
  21. Usually one seated posture is recommended for typical office work.
  22. Chair height adjustment is not critical for good spine posture.
  23. Using carpet casters on a hard plastic floor pad can safely improve sitting posture.
  24. Longer shoulder reach distances can change torso position.
  25. Adjustable keyboard trays should always be used with more than four hours daily use of the computer.
  26. More effort is needed to sustain forward postures than for reclined postures.
  27. Most office work can be done with safely with a relaxed torso and reclined seated postures.
  28. Slumping and low back pain stiffness and pain are common problems with reclined seating and forward tasks.
  29. There is no difference between passive and active seating.
  30. The postural muscles are usually relaxed in reclined seating, and are active in upright, forward tasks.
  31. Regular postural exercise during the work routine is recommended to reduce low back pain.
  32. The work surface height should be in place before the chair is adjusted.
  33. Many “ergonomic” chairs do not support the spine for forward work tasks.
  34. There is evidence of greater risk of cardiovascular disease with increased effort to stand and walk at work.
  35. The amount of time sitting at work does not have a clear association for increased risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
  36. Regular, short breaks away from the desk are known to reduce the discomfort of musculoskeletal problems like upper and lower back pain.
  37. Full forearm support rather than a keyboard tray for computer work can effectively reduce the risk of symptoms and disorders at the neck, shoulders and arms.
  38. There should be no need to check spine posture during the work routine once the chair is properly adjusted.
  39. The chair height should be in place before locating the height of the work surface
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