
Retrospective Study (2016, 1,000 people)

  • 187 people responded
  • 94% were more productive
  • 92% had fewer symptoms

Comparative Study (2018, 95 people)

  • Low Back Group (n=36) Average 80% reduction in symptom frequency and severity
  • Neck, shoulder, arm, hand (n=59) Average 86% reduction in symptom frequency and severity
Audio Transcription

Two surveys were done in the same Fortune 500 Company for office workers that failed the regular online ergonomics training and needed an in-person ergonomic consultation.

The ActivSeating™ process was used for all clients in both studies

The Retrospective Study (2016) was a survey sent to 1,000 people from one to five years after the single initial consultation and they were asked about their symptoms and productivity changes since that consultation. Of the 187 people respondents: 

  • 94% were more productive
  • 92% had fewer symptoms; less than 2% still had symptoms affecting work
  • none were worse

The Comparative Study (2018) was a survey of 95 people for whom an initial questionnaire on body part, symptom severity and frequency was completed at the initial consultation, and the same questions were repeated from six months to two years later. Those data averages were divided into Low Back and Upper Quarter (or neck, shoulder, arm and hand) pain groups, and then paired to show outcome. 

  • There was an average 80% reduction in the frequency and severity of the low back symptom group (36 people)
  • There was an average 86% reduction in the frequency and severity of neck, shoulder, arm and hand symptom group (59 people)
  • None were worse 
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